Taegeukgi - Flag of Destiny

September 8, 2023 - 6:30pm

Posted: Sep 08, 2023
Presented by visiting historian Sung Kyu Kim, who will share the history and legacy of the Northern Pacific Monad and its connection to the Korean Flag.

Join Tacoma Historical Society for our September Monthly Program presented by visiting historian Sung Kyu Kim, President of the 1893 Corea Memorial Association, the Korean New World Discovery Society and the World Traditional Whale Culture Institute of South Korea. Sung Kyu Kim will be sharing the history and legacy of the Northern Pacific Monad and its connection to the Korean Flag.

Although Korean Flags 'Taegeukgi' were buried or hidden during Japanese colonization, the 'Taegeukgi logos of the Northern Pacific Railway were running every day, with thousands of passengers, on the American Transcontinental Railroad. The Northern Pacific logo of the Tacoma Union Station watches the Korean Peninsula over the Pacific Ocean every day, connecting the 'City of Destiny' to the 'Flag of Destiny' in Korean history.

Historian Sung Kyu Kim splits his time between Illinois and South Korea. Mr. Kim has taken part in several research expeditions and lectures around the world. Currently, Mr. Kim is advocating for a memorial to be built at the original location of the Korean Pavilion during the 1893 Chicago Columbia Exposition.

Refreshments will be provided. Doors open at 6:00pm for exhibit viewing, talk begins at 6:30pm.

This event is FREE or by donation. Donations can be made through Eventbrite or at the door.

RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/taegeukgi-flag-of-destiny-tickets-698618465637

This event is generously sponsored by Tacoma Creates, BNSF, the Port of Tacoma, Tacoma Public Utilities, Amtrak, and Puyallup Tribe of Indians.

For questions, call (253) 472-3738 or email info@tacomahistory.org

For more events related to the 150th Northern Pacific Commemoration, visit www.NP150.org.

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